
This is us.

Me and the Hubs, Antigua 2008.

My name is Maura.  I am a 28-year-old homemaker/aspiring designer (with a degree in communications).  In my "spare" time, I like to read (mostly magazines), pretend I can garden, watch HGTV, exercise, and cook.  I am also a Grade A goofball, and I love to joke around with my friends and family.

I married my best friend, Chris, on 8-16-08 (the day after my father's 50th birthday).  Chris (who is 6 months older than me... that's OLDER, just so we're clear) is a sports fanatic, an avid reader, an amazing father, and an all-around good guy... who luckily can take a joke and appreciate my weirdness.

Ten months and four days after we said "I do and I do too", our daughter Clare was born - reaffirming the idea that the only plans are God's plans.  Clare (born May 20, 2009) is already such a character.  She  loves to laugh, waves at every.single.person. she sees in the grocery store, can't help but wiggle when she hears music, and won't take NO for an answer.  (Woo buddy, can she be stubborn!  Little does she know that she gets it from me, and I'm up for the challenge.)

God's plan for us - Clare at 6 mo.

Between getting married and having a baby, we bought a house together.  Our abode was built in 1927.  It was once called home by an All-American pitcher named Jean Faut who played for the South Bend Blue Sox - a team in the All-American Girls Baseball League that was formed during WWII.  Our house is full of character and I have big plans for it.  I hope to chronicle some of my DIY projects here in this blog.
Our house - Indiana in winter, and half missing Christmas lights. 
I hope to update this photo soon.

In this little piece of internet, I will log the days of our lives (like sand through the hourglass...).  I hope to keep it entertaining and maybe even inspire someone along the way...  thanks for coming along for the ride!